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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
boy star & oval 5
boy & star 9, 12, 16, 25, 35, 38
bright STAR +star 30
bright STAR +star & lines 29
buff master +star 7
c +star 3, 9, 14, 18, 24, 25, 35
c +star & square 14, 16, 35
c +diamonds & star 14
career development +star 41
cartoon of star 30
star 41
casio NI +star & circle 8
chand tata +crescent & star 3
charms +star 34
chennai SUPER STARS +star 16, 41, 42
chennai super STARS +star 9, 28, 35, 38
chewtabs multivit +star 5
child star & circle 5, 29
china BAZAR +star 15, 18, 24
china STAR C +star 6
china STAR c +star 9
choice +star & circle 25
christopher columbus +star 39, 42
circle star & ribbon 24
circle & star 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 35, 36, 37, 42
circle triangle & star 9, 35, 37, 42
circles & star 9, 25
circles bottles & star 30, 32
class AFFAIR +star & circle 25
club POLARIS +star & flame 16, 32
club POLARIS +star & flames 19, 29
cogwheel & star 35
coins & star 9, 36, 38, 42
commercial +squares & star 39
cop click +star & circle 41
cop click! +star & circle 9
cop click! +star & oval 16
crescent star & circle 34
crescent star & shield 32
crescent star & swords 30, 34
crescent & star 21, 34
crescents & star 7, 9, 14
cross & star 12, 35, 41
cwm +star 2
d DARLINGS PARADISE +star 16, 35
d mall +sun & star 35
d-ULAC luxury finish +star 2
star 9
del-STAR +star 9
delicious DINE +circle star 42
deluxe +star & leaves 7
dexatin +star 5
dg GOMTI DOODH +star & hand 29
diamond star 19
diamond & star 6, 14, 16, 17, 20, 26, 35, 38, 42
diamonds & star 35, 40
dimensions architects +star 42
dm DODIYA +star & square 24
door JEWEL +star 6
e ELCON +star 7
e EXODUS +star 9
e TRADE +star 9, 16
e-BEST +bird plant star 9
e-CAB +bird plant & star 11
e-FAB +star bird & plant 9
e-flex +bird plants star 11
easy care BY BASF +star 24
star 19
euro-PRO +star 21
ev MAC +star & square 11
ev MACSTAR +star 9
expert +star & circle 35
f4 +star 41
face star & oval 5
face star & square 9, 16, 25, 41
face & star 16, 30
faces circle & star 35
favourites +square & star 28, 42
fine STAR +star 8
fish & star 29
five star 2
five star SULPHUR +oval 1
five star chicken 29
five star sulphur +stars 1
flower & star 14
flower lamp star & arrows 36
fruit star 30
full flavor EXTRALUX +star 34
fzd KAY +crescent & star 20
g +star 1, 4, 14, 16, 35, 37
g GLOMORE +star 9
g GLOMORE +star & circle 11
g GOLD ISPAT & STEEL +star 35
g GOLDEN +star 32
g GOLDSTAR +star 16, 18, 20, 21
g GOYAL ENERGY +star 6
g GROTECH +circle & star 9
g cng +star 1, 4, 16, 37
gd GAREWALZ +star 33
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